What did I do to deserve this? I think I've apologized for being a sorceress in my past life. I can't walk, I can't cook, I can't pull an all nighter, then take that evil Ethics test without the constant pre-sneeze. You know that feeling where your nose tingles, and it wrinkles up just a little bit before the air is heaved out of your body and across the room? Imagine that feeling for about 8 hours straight, my allergies are working me life a full time job, and girl gotta make a dollar. I will not play the game, I will not be drugged up and worn out from the weird drunkening affect of Claritin, or the immediate "Do not Operate a vehicle, or lift heavy items" drowsiness brought on by Sudafed. I will stand strong, shit I'm a soldier. I will manage the frustration with my pilates breath...In through the nose, 1..2..3, out through pursed lips, 1...2...3. I will wave my banner proud, that is Kleenex, and don't mistake that white flag for surrender, that Kle...