I have a simple question for you all to ponder. What happens when your Best Friends Ex Boyfriend (B.F.E.B.F pronounced BaFebFa) decides to like you? Amazingly enough I have a simple answer to accompany that simplistic question...you run for the hills like they are coated with money and one of those cute Italkian soccer players is there to help you collect; oh yes that is after you have knee'd said B.F.E.B.F in the groin and ensured that he has lost the ability to procreate. See people this is what we call common sense, logical thinking, the way of the world of sanity. This is of course where my complications arise.
MY B.F.E.B.F likes me. And somehow I managed to stay away from the hills and he still has the ability to procreate...well from what I know anyway but that is irrelevant. What do you do when you B.F.E.B.F likes you, you can't stop talking to him, and your best friend won't tell you no? I say this because I have asked, pleaded, begged her to tell me to stay away. I told her she has to tell me this isn't a good idea, that she doesn't want me to do it. To quote yesterday's conversation:
Me:Tell me not to do it. Scream at me or something. Call me a whore.
The Best Friend: You know, you don't really strike me as a whore ::accompanying laughter begins::
It's as if she doesn't care, and I gasp. It's like an evil torturous plot without the evil torture. "You have to follow your heart"-The Best Friend
So then I am left to evalute. I could have easily ignored this for reasons which seem completely ridiculous to the average person. I am used to throwing myself into these dramatic, sometimes tumultuous relationships. The Best Friend (Male High School Edition)once called me Captain Save a
I mean come on, we all know I am easily frightened by a kind word, a little "let me drive 2 hours to see you". The moment anything remotely similar to my conceptualized notion of good guy comes around this very elaborate metal sheild surrounds my body, the helicopters come out, the laser beams begin to flash...Danger, Danger Will Robinson. We are under Attack!
MY B.F.E.B.F likes me. And somehow I managed to stay away from the hills and he still has the ability to procreate...well from what I know anyway but that is irrelevant. What do you do when you B.F.E.B.F likes you, you can't stop talking to him, and your best friend won't tell you no? I say this because I have asked, pleaded, begged her to tell me to stay away. I told her she has to tell me this isn't a good idea, that she doesn't want me to do it. To quote yesterday's conversation:
Me:Tell me not to do it. Scream at me or something. Call me a whore.
The Best Friend: You know, you don't really strike me as a whore ::accompanying laughter begins::
It's as if she doesn't care, and I gasp. It's like an evil torturous plot without the evil torture. "You have to follow your heart"-The Best Friend
So then I am left to evalute. I could have easily ignored this for reasons which seem completely ridiculous to the average person. I am used to throwing myself into these dramatic, sometimes tumultuous relationships. The Best Friend (Male High School Edition)once called me Captain Save a
I mean come on, we all know I am easily frightened by a kind word, a little "let me drive 2 hours to see you". The moment anything remotely similar to my conceptualized notion of good guy comes around this very elaborate metal sheild surrounds my body, the helicopters come out, the laser beams begin to flash...Danger, Danger Will Robinson. We are under Attack!