It has been awhile...I blame this on dial-up and the fact that I'm in a sort of evolutionary limbo at the moment. Not going forward, not going backward just stuck : ( I would write about that but then I don't need to live it and see it in word form as well.
I wrote something a while ago, a long while ago. At the time I thought it was this grand revelation into was not : ) But it is slightly entertaining. I'm posting because I had a conversation the other day with The Best Friend's Ex-Boyfriend (How does that work?) about kissing and that show How To Get the Guy. To sum up the conversation:
Me: I don't want a guy to suck off my face or my nose or my chin.
BFEBF: Ok so what things are like a must
Me: Nothing
BFEBF: I mean there has to be some things that are just like it
Me: It's individualistic. It depends on each individual person. You just don't know how it can be fixed until it happens. Kind of like the foundation of a house. You may know about different way go about fixing various types of foundations but you don't necessarily know what specific things need to be done to fix individual foundations until you has seen and assessed them.
BFEBF: Oh ok.
(this sum of conversation is not exact...Bad memory but its a good summary)
* * *
No matter what state of romantical fancy you may be in upon your first date, you must always remember never KISS on the first date. Kissing evokes a state of intimacy and chemistry which cannot thoroughly be expressed or even understood upon ones first encounter, well lets strike that there is probably a 5/1000 time chance but hear me out.
When you kiss someone you have no in depth knowledge, it allows you to place false expectations. Whether the guy is great or whether he is a complete ass. If you kiss the guy and it sucks you may either break it off without taking time to discover that he is the most amazing man in the world or you may go with the flow and be happy forever. But if you kiss a guy and it is amazing a few things may happen. First, that sense of amazement, the sensation that surges through you during the kiss will burst through the walls of physicality and impare you mental judgement. This kiss will manifest itself into your expectation of his very being. Now maybe he is just as amazing as his kiss, if so good for you. But what if he is a completely undependable, disgusting, jerk. You haven’t allowed yourself to discover this and be aware of the risk because you’re operating on the physical excitement which crept right out of that kiss and onto the very being that you expect or pretend that this guy could be.
The benefit of having waited…
Let’s say you meet a guy, there’s conversation, deep gazing into the eyes, same level, equality, a consensus on the future, he is amazing. You've discovered all of this and you say, its time to kiss. And you do and there is no spark “I mean, it was ok…”. But you know that this guy is amazing, figuring that part out doesn’t require a kiss because he’s perfect standing alone from that aspect. Your judgement is unclouded and not misguided by, well… lust.
Ladies, it is a lot easier to teach an amazing man how to kiss than it is to teach a great kisser how to be an amazing man.
* * *
I would just like to point out I have changed my mind. I honestly don't know what I was thinking in the first place in regards to the no kissing on the first date part. There are somethings which I feel are valid points but the only thing I can completly back up is the last sentence. As a matter of fact I might even make t-shirts. And since I'm doing that I should make those bumper stickers as well.
*I know all about intellectual stealing my ideas dammit.
: )
I wrote something a while ago, a long while ago. At the time I thought it was this grand revelation into was not : ) But it is slightly entertaining. I'm posting because I had a conversation the other day with The Best Friend's Ex-Boyfriend (How does that work?) about kissing and that show How To Get the Guy. To sum up the conversation:
Me: I don't want a guy to suck off my face or my nose or my chin.
BFEBF: Ok so what things are like a must
Me: Nothing
BFEBF: I mean there has to be some things that are just like it
Me: It's individualistic. It depends on each individual person. You just don't know how it can be fixed until it happens. Kind of like the foundation of a house. You may know about different way go about fixing various types of foundations but you don't necessarily know what specific things need to be done to fix individual foundations until you has seen and assessed them.
BFEBF: Oh ok.
(this sum of conversation is not exact...Bad memory but its a good summary)
* * *
No matter what state of romantical fancy you may be in upon your first date, you must always remember never KISS on the first date. Kissing evokes a state of intimacy and chemistry which cannot thoroughly be expressed or even understood upon ones first encounter, well lets strike that there is probably a 5/1000 time chance but hear me out.
When you kiss someone you have no in depth knowledge, it allows you to place false expectations. Whether the guy is great or whether he is a complete ass. If you kiss the guy and it sucks you may either break it off without taking time to discover that he is the most amazing man in the world or you may go with the flow and be happy forever. But if you kiss a guy and it is amazing a few things may happen. First, that sense of amazement, the sensation that surges through you during the kiss will burst through the walls of physicality and impare you mental judgement. This kiss will manifest itself into your expectation of his very being. Now maybe he is just as amazing as his kiss, if so good for you. But what if he is a completely undependable, disgusting, jerk. You haven’t allowed yourself to discover this and be aware of the risk because you’re operating on the physical excitement which crept right out of that kiss and onto the very being that you expect or pretend that this guy could be.
The benefit of having waited…
Let’s say you meet a guy, there’s conversation, deep gazing into the eyes, same level, equality, a consensus on the future, he is amazing. You've discovered all of this and you say, its time to kiss. And you do and there is no spark “I mean, it was ok…”. But you know that this guy is amazing, figuring that part out doesn’t require a kiss because he’s perfect standing alone from that aspect. Your judgement is unclouded and not misguided by, well… lust.
Ladies, it is a lot easier to teach an amazing man how to kiss than it is to teach a great kisser how to be an amazing man.
* * *
I would just like to point out I have changed my mind. I honestly don't know what I was thinking in the first place in regards to the no kissing on the first date part. There are somethings which I feel are valid points but the only thing I can completly back up is the last sentence. As a matter of fact I might even make t-shirts. And since I'm doing that I should make those bumper stickers as well.
*I know all about intellectual stealing my ideas dammit.
: )