I think it is possibly the best or the worst, yet always the most enlightening moment when a person tells you how they truly feel about you. I don't mean they sit down and say... "This is how I feel about you, I feel..." I mean when you are in one of those moments where you're pushed to the edge and the words that come out of your mouth for better or for worse are sent directly from you head to your lips, no filtering...nothing close in similarity to using a Brita filtration system, straight taking it to the head water from the stream...when its fulls of all the stuff that water really has in it. The thing is though, no matter how much you may ignore something, or try to overlook a person always lets you know how they really feel about you. Its in their actions, their looks, and movements. When you ask a question and you get an answer, take it for what it is, don't try to put your own spin on it to make it better. When you cry and no one cares, they really don...
An ode to the wanton in between.